Daily updates
10:35 to 12:00 Paige was up for a bit when Rosie was applying the Atavin cream. She was able to talk. I was booted from the room shortly after going in. There's still someone in that little body, "it's never too late, it's never too late." She is talking but is having some difficulty enunciating her words.
I was just reminded of something funny. During the summer Paigee had a friend over to swim. Not an ordinary friend, but Juliet, personality plus. While I was in with Paigee just now I was reminded of Juliet for some reason. The day she came to swim, catch lizards, and just act like kids I was constantly floored over Juliet. Her enthusiasm was contagious. What I remember and get a chuckle over is almost every sentence began with, "Oh my Gosh." So much enthusiasm. The girls had a lot of fun that day. Whenever I saw Juliet after that, she never hesitated to come over and tell me some story or just be friendly. I'll miss watching Juliet grow up, and Devin, Andrew, Pia, Amy, Madison, Murphy, Samantha, Will, Alex, Rebecca.... I don't know how I'll get my kid fix after this !

I hope the children at School are dealing with this ok. I think some Parents were just going to say we moved.
1:00 PM to 1:30PM Paigee woke up during the Decadron infusion. Just a little TV !
7:15 PM to 8:00 PM Paige is up watching Raven; we love the show. Paigee woke when Rosie was changing her; she had an accident.
Meds Today I increased the Morphine dose from 1.5 to 1.7 mg/hr.
Still checking the website several times a day, still praying that God will give each of you everything you need, still thinking about you many times throughout the day. I don't know how to explain this, or even if it is appropriate to tell you, but reading about Paigee has changed me in a deep and lasting way. I worry less about the things that are superficial and unimportant, and I want to be brave like all of you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your struggle. I won't stop praying.
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