Seed of Connie ( first draft )
Back from camp ! About 30 parents anxiously awaited
the Camp bus in the Norstroms's parking lot next to
LPCH, the bus was 30 minutes late. Talk, talk, talk
all the way home. We didn't bring poodle with us
because we thought it would keep her from talking.

Camp Okizu
First, the only girl in Paigee's cabin to get
homesick, Connie ! This girl had survived scary
movies too numerous to count. I'm glad though,
it seems like the movies had hardened her heart,
but her Mother was still her best friend after all.
Still some innocence left.
Counselor names: Chuckers, Cow Girl, Jabber Jaw,
Paige's Camp name was tree.
Mindy's Camp name Mars and she was a Counselor
when Cow Girl ( Sarah ) was there for her first
Okizu experience.
Paige sat with Cow Girl on the way home, Cow Girl
did home work !
Paige had her first voluntary hot dog during
Baseball Lunch.
Tadger Tai Fu was a dance they learned.
Tadger was/is a mythical Bear/Lion that comes
and picks up wet sleeping bags and then returns
them before sleep the next night.
Paigee slept in later than the other girls.
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