Such a sad day the 20th was. That day marked the 1 yr anniversary of Ben's death. As we are approaching 20 October I can imagine myself in John and Christine's shoes, and of course it brings tears to my eyes. Today a co-worker saw Paige's picture on my computer desktop and wouldn't take a subtle hint I didn't want to talk about it. That brought tears to my eyes. The ever present falling from the cliff of losing control over my emotions.
Lori here,
The Diff's have been on my mind a lot. So have you guys. This really sucks. The second year seems harder. Maybe because the first year you're kind of numb or in shock or something. I don't know. Yesterday I went to a Psychologist for the first time in my life. Pretty draining and cost a lot to tell me what I am feeling is normal!
It is hard when you don't want to talk and people don't get the hint isn't it? I think it is hard for them to understand our pain. Especially when we don't understand it either. I get angry and frustrated when people start talking about their cousin or uncle or friend who went through leukemia, etc and how they "know how I feel". whatever.
I love you guys
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