Coming down
The last temp was Sunday night. This morning we will
hear about counts and ANC. Perky Paige.
Madison is back doing Dialysis today and Mom is with her.
Paige and Nana make the visit while Dad tries to make
up for a sleepless night.
HOORAY ! Ben's counts are up so they have scheduled
a stem cell harvest in prepartion for a ABMT tomorrow.
Christine and John must be delirious. Sad but true,
the odds are 50/50 that the ABMT will be successful.
If it's successful Ben will live, otherwise .....
Funny - The raised hand and index finger pointing up
actually mean something, what a prankster ! Today
Paige make a symbol that contained all the letters in
her name, and, an exclamation point. Sounds a little
like what Marjorie's Father did, Genetic ???
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